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greater Claremont Area!

Claremont BUsiness Lab

Tuition is FREE ($700 value) for residents of Sullivan County, NH

Apply Online Here by March 21

  • Week 1: Kickoff Building Your Team Mission & Vision Statements and Elevator Pitch
  • Week 2: Marketing & Sales 1.0 Customer Journey & Persona, Marketing Mix, Pricing
  • Week 3: Marketing & Sales 2.0 Core Messages, Marketing & Sales Channels & Plan
  • Week 4: Legal Accounting, Operational Basics and 3-minute Pitches
  • Week 5: Finances 1.0 Pro Forma P&L, Pro Forma Cash Flow
  • Week 6: Finances 2.0 Start-Up Expenses & Funding Plan
  • Week 7: Pitch Dress Rehearsal Entrepreneur Panel
  • Week 8: Pitch Event & Graduation Celebration

How: This project is funded by a USDA Rural Business Development Grant with curriculum support from the Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship and is being collaboratively presented by the City of Claremont, UNH Extension and Greater Claremont Chamber of Commerce.

What: The Claremont Business Lab is a free 8-week interactive program for entrepreneurs like you to build the business of your dreams through a structured peer-learning process and a disciplined approach that will guide you to create, refine, implement, and compellingly present your business concept.

The program is designed for both new entrepreneurs ready to put their idea to paper and evaluate its viability, and seasoned entrepreneurs seeking to evaluate a new idea or apply a more structured systems approach to an ongoing enterprise.

Work collaboratively with the instructor and co-participants to dive deeply into the components of your business.

Fine-tune and apply the fundamentals of business strategy, finance and profitability, marketing and sales, business planning, and project implementation to ensure that you have the tools you need to succeed!


The Greater Claremont Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit 501(c)(6) organization formed to represent business interests within the communities we serve.

(603) 543-1296
Moody Building
24 Opera House Square
Claremont, NH 03743

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